199 entries.
I love and enjoy your many messages that help to keep me uplifted within the many messages from the Lord. He allows all of us, as His Sisters and Brothers, to remain strong together. I see you as an Angel, a Prophet of the Lord, and an Evangelist. You've inspired so many and you have inspired myself. Thank you! 🙂
A broken marriage/relationship is never a solution, I have been out of love for 2yrs, watch my marriage fall apart, my husband was a chronic cheat , abused our marital vows, I was depressed emotionally, confused and unhappy for 2yrs, I wanted divorce, but when I flash back to the past and our history I knew he wasn't himself, I went online seeking for answers, days, turned weeks and months, I was pondering and keeping strong, until I stumble on a testimony about a broken relationship, luckily contact was left and I contact this great man Prophet Ozick, who prayed with me , say intervention prayers for me, behold it was revealed my husband has been under a Wicca spell, he broke the spell and saved my husband from destroying himself and our family, since then (3years now) my husband has been the loving caring man I have meant and known from high school days! I urge all male/females (young/old) passing through similar situations or even worst, contact Ozick today via : spirituallove@hotmail.com ! Divorce or breakup is not an option, stay and save your marriage from falling apart, avoid wasted years and time
Thank you for who you are. Thank you for being here. Thank you for your heart and compassion. Thank you for allowing it to be the faucet from which your anointing and wisdom flows. Thank you for the parts of you that you have yet to reveal - the person that God sees and talks to in the intimate places. Thank you for everyday after this that you breathe.
Gm sis, I just finished watching Generational curses:Secrets of the Supernatural , I'm truly honored to hear God's Wisdom being displayed through your mouth. I fall asleep and wake up through your messages, but I am determined to hear the entire messages, because I believe the Holy Spirit has led me to you. My mind is changing, generational satanic infrastructures are being torn down in my life, and I'm sharing with others also. Thank you sis for obeying God and enduring till the end. Thank you for putting words to issues. I'm so in awe of how God decides on who and how we receive our deliverance. You're such a blessing, with tears streaming down my face now, Tears of joy and Thanksgiving to God and his servant for your service . Love you Woman of God, Blessed are you until enternity and beyond!
Thank you Miss Tiffany for teaching me all that you know. I’m really grateful to be in Esther Prep and I care a lot more about myself and my purpose now, too. Thank you for preparing lessons for us and answering all of our questions. I love you ❤️!
Hi Tiffany! So glad to have come across your teachings. I have recently found your youtube channel and i am excited to stay tuned in. This is perfect timing. I am so blessed to be fed with the knowledge needed to be delivered and to love others from a southern black lady. No offense at all! It's much needed. Stay on it sis! Support coming from Houston. You're like a big sister/cousin, not ashamed of the gospel, and eager to teach me. Love it! Your videos are funny as well. It helps me more comfortable talking to other women, in or out of Christ, knowing that this is a spiritual war and not against flesh. Thank you for being obedient to the Lord as it edifies the body of Christ. This is what's needed!!!! Encouragement, best wishes, and prayers from Trell! Love you sis. Great job!
For such a time as this Thank You for being obedient. May God's perfect will be done. Amen.
I have been so blessed in the short two weeks since I’ve discovered Tiffany on YouTube. I am learning how to use my authority to cast down the negativity I once spoke on myself and others. I am standing in authority by the power of Jesus Christ to allow God’s will to prevail as a blessing in my life and those around me. I have silenced the spirit of gossip from my work, I will continue delivering different areas of my life and continue silencing those pervasive spirits until the day I go home to the Lord. Thank you for deepening my prayer life!
Hi sister Tiffany! I really appreciate you! It’s been a year since I wrote in your guestbook. I learned so much from your messages and videos. You bless me so much❤️
Thank you so much, Tiffany! You really inspire me and are like an older sister that can speak truth and wisdom in my life. I really appreciate all your videos and the things I learn I teach to other girls out here. Your sexual abuse story inspires me and it gives me hope that I can heal and one day really help set people free. Thank you for taking so much of your time out to give helpful messages
Dear Tiffany, ...anointed woman of God!
My name is Brenda Uwubuntu; from Africa - Rwanda; I'm 27 years, and i'm strong believer in Christ.
I have been watching and listening keenly to your Youtube messages. Truly, you are anointed and appointed by the Holy Spirit, to share the rare TRUTH, and proclaim to this generation the way we should go.
.... and for that Tifanny, THANK YOU, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You SO SO much, for serving your God faithfully, obediently and courageously.
I plan to come to the USA. And today, as i was watching one of your messages, in my spirit came a thought: Try emailing Tiffany! Find out the possibility of meeting with her, during your one month Visit...
I trust God to get my VISA. I'll be based in South Carolina.I pray you receive this and reply.
Again, THANK YOU and every blessing!
Phyllis from Charles County, Maryland. I just turned 69 years old and I was married for 6 here and was abandoned for 18 years. When my husband came back, he was hooked on drugs and sickly. I thought along with my children we were going to be a family. He used us to get disability and left. I was alone again. Then I met an older man, but when I accepted Christ, we broke up. I've been alone again. I don't know how it feel to be married. Both my husband and my Manfred are dead. When I say to my children I want to be married, they get quiet. Some people say I'm too old .
I found you on a trip to Flordia this year. You've really helped me. Especially relational wise! So much stuff I never heard or thought of. Thank you!!
Grace to you! I have been following your posts for over 2 years now and I'm really blessed woman of God. Your ministry has impacted my life and your posts are always in season, consistent and very prophetic to my life. So technically you are my God given mentor.. #grateful for your calling
Tiffany, I need you to be aware that I have been watching your videos on YouTube and read most of your books for years. Therefore, I need you to be aware that you are a true woman of God based on your testimonials.
I personally do not listen to most people on YouTube, unless my spirit connects with theirs, and I have seen and perceived that all what you say ballances with the words from the Bible. Therefore, based on all your testimonies of your experiences in life.....I see that you are sent and led by God.
Tiffany, thanks for your obedient to God by doing this ministry.....please continue in your God given purpose and do not listen to any negative comments from people. You have permanently delivered me from my situations of being in a bad marriage, ungodly people, and from ungodly soul ties....bless you my sister in Christ.....
I will continue to pray for you and your ministry and also for God to release your to you, your God ordained husband in His due session and in accordance with His will as you continue to do His will......
Blessings to you.......Sister in Christ
I have been listening to your audios for over a year now, bought several of your books, listen in on your conference calls. Wow! Thank you!!
What a wholesome treat! Listening to the word of God flow so effortlessly from you is like eating oatmeal it sticks to my bones lol. I too found you on YouTube by a mistake because I was intention while searching. I didn't realize that you had so much positive bread (Word of God) available that blesses my life. I thank you for giving examples, for making it plain and for being transparent about it. Thank you for giving more than one scenario to situations, because the first two may cancel me out, but the third scenario may have hit home. Thank you for using the word of God and not your opinion to speak the word of God. Moreover, I am well fed and getting fat as I hear you speak the wisdom and fire of God.
Blessing to you..I'm a newbie to this site I ran across you searching for a teaching to listen to as a lay n bed for the night ..my daughter is 24 asked me " could I listen to something that don't have to do with marriage..I'm married she's not and as I went to the search bar to seek anything on soul ties ..u came up and we both for the last 2 days have truly enjoyed this teaching even as a married women I'm leaning the ways of God.THANK U!!
Hi ms.tiffany Buckner, I had recently started listening to your audios on youtube not to too long ago, and I can honestly say I can relate to you in a lot of ways, I'm only 23 years old, but I have grown more closer to god with situations I have been in, including in my abusive situation, its a blessing that god is speaking through you, because there are so many things you speak about that I have been through, or I was currently going through. Thank you so much and GOD BLESS YOU.
Hi Tiffany,
Thank you so much for your teachings and passionate ministry, your name "Anointed Fire" is so prophetic because it goes way back, God knew already ,
I am so blessed to know you and I am looking forward to watching more of your videos and read your books. GOD BLESS YOU!